Thursday, October 6, 2011

Will Mizzou get enough votes?

Reports are now that a vote by the SEC to extend an invitation to Mizzou has failed. The fallback for Mizzou would be a 10 team Big 12 with TCU replacing A&M. The fallback for the SEC is unknown, and this report shows that the problem of finding an acceptable 14th school is very real. Again, Mike Slive's "16 schools in 15 minutes" throwaway line comes to mind.

TSK speculates about which schools want Mizzou to join. Presumably A&M does not yet have a vote, and the article mentions that Alabama is against, and Auburn is for the addition. That means at least 3 or 4 schools are against the move, and it's quite hard to say which ones would be involved. Are some of the East schools afraid to play Auburn every year? Would they rather have WVU? Are some of the West schools afraid to open their recruiting grounds to Missouri?

Mizzou would be one of the stronger academic institutions in the SEC, so it is unlikely that schools like Florida, Vandy, and Kentucky would object on those grounds. I guess the knocks against them are twofold: first, their presence would disrupt existing rivalries and it would be cleaner to just add a school to the east side of the conference, and secondly they are not a top tier addition. They are merely adequate. They lack the muscle of A&M in the lucrative Texas market, and they lack the football brand name of a school like Oklahoma, Florida State, or Virginia Tech. Nevertheless, they may yet be invited. If no ACC schools will leave and if WVU is off the table, options are extremely limited at this point.

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